15–16 October 2022・Location: Kotodai Park, Downtown Sendai, Miyagi Prefecture...
Discover the dumplings from all over Japan in Sendai!
Enjoy gyoza from all over the country spanning all the way from Tohoku to Kyushu! Featured are Sendai's infamous Aoba Gyoza, Gifu's Utsunomiya Gyoza, Kanagawa's Kawasaki Gyoza, Shizuoka's Suso Gyoza and Hamamatsu Gyoza, Nagano's Ina Gyoza, Mie's Tsu Gzoya, and finally, Miyazaki Gyoza —the last prefecture is said to produce dumplings so good, it took the lead in Japan for the most dumplings purchased per household in 2021!
Not a fan of dumplings? You should still consider passing by the event as a variety of other booths will also be attending!
Explore the differences in taste each region brings to these delicious gyoza dumplings!
Official Page (Japanese): gyoza.com
Hours: 10:00–18:00 (17:00 on the last day)
Entry Fee: None
Location: Kotodai Park, Downtown Sendai, Miyagi Prefecture
Written by Catrina Sugita
Writer & 2022 Editor-in-Chief