When I was a child, I thought that chocolate is a kind of thing we eat only on special occasions. Although I had my pocket money and therefore I could always buy myself a chocolate bar or even a box of chocolates, I never did. I believed that it doesn’t taste so good when it is a simple working day.
I never thought then that it can work the other way around. You can transform your usual day by purchasing or receiving really good chocolate. Now I am sure it works, because I discovered Iwaki Chocolate.

Chocolaterie Iwaki Chocolate opened in 2006, in a small coastal neighborhood of Onahama, Iwaki city, but the roots of this incredible chocolaterie should be searched in Bretagne, where one of the fathers of Iwaki Chocolate found salted caramel chocolate and fell in love with it. The harmony of salt, caramel and chocolate was so inspiring, that the whole concept of chocolate that could become a new must-buy souvenir of Iwaki city, or even the whole Fukushima prefecture.
And the concept is very simple - bringing happiness through taste, smell and the harmony of chocolate and Fukushima-born ingredients. Iwaki Chocolat chocolatier Mr. Hidaka says, that he prefers sweet chocolate. “Usually chocolatiers think that sweet chocolate is not so refined, so they are looking for the dark and bitter types, but I am amazed by the sweetness of chocolate.”

This fascination by the sweetness is what makes this chocolate so special. You can have an unforgettable tea party with Iwaki namachoko-sando いわき生チョコサンド - tender chocolate sandwiched with crunchy cookies.

Kogyoku ringo-choko 紅玉林檎チョコ, milk chocolate with apple filling goes perfectly well with coffee - the sweetness of chocolate, the fresh taste of Kogyoku apple and the bitter aroma of coffee make a perfect combination.

Kyoho junka 巨峰醇菓, an enormous Duet Kyoho raisin in chocolate coating has that kind of aftertaste that can keep you smiling for a very long time - like a memory of a sudden and unexpected compliment.

And my own favourite - that same salty caramel chocolate Mehikari shio-choko めひかり塩チョコ, a kind of chocolate that can be eaten in any way you fancy it. The resulting balance between sweetness, saltiness, chocolate’s umami is so good that almost everyone I saw tasting this chocolate closes her eyes for a moment and smiles just a bit, just like saying “This is it!”

This chocolate is rather expensive, but it is not meant for eating casually - it is meant for creating a mood. It could be a great way to express your feelings to someone, or a souvenir for yourself. A bit of a special moment, coated in sweet, spicy chocolate.
You can purchase this great chocolate on this site or buy it during your visit to Fukushima at the station. Or visit the original store!
Address: 16-6 Teramawaricho, Onahama, Iwaki city, Fukushima prefecture
Working hours: 9:00-18:00
Closed on: Sundays and Tuesdays