23 September 2022・Location: Nishiakigaoka Hillside Mall (錦ケ丘ヒルサイドモール), Aoba Ward, Sendai, Miyagi Prefecture...
A Musical Event for Locals!
Stage events, stalls, lively atmosphere: a festival anyone can enjoy, including children and families! Enjoy a variety of stage performances featuring song, dance, and comedy at this fall-time event held to liven-up downtown Sendai! The stage is open to anyone who wishes to perform, so get ready to see local residents give their all on stage on September 23!
The featured stalls and food trucks include crêpes, hamburgers, refreshing parfaits, and much more!

Official Page (Japanese): share-time-japan.com
Time: 11:00 –16:00
Entry Fee: None
Location: Nishikigaoka Hillside Mall (錦ケ丘ヒルサイドモール), Sendai, Miyagi Prefecture
Written by Catrina Sugita
Writer & 2022 Editor-in-Chief