Hello, dear readers of Sendai Motions!
It is the end of November, only one month has left for the year 2016, and it is time to plan some cultural experience until we will be totally absorbed by Winter holidays and the first weeks of the New year. This means - it’s time for December’s Sendai Museum Guide!
First of all, there is an event I would like to introduce. On December 17-18, in Sendai Mediatheque, Sendai Museum Association holds an event titled “Museum Universe” (ミュージアムユニバース) for the fifth time. This is an event where you can explore Sendai’s museums, learn something new and simply have fun.

The program is very wide. There is a talk/event corner, where you can listen to the museum staff and challenge yourself in quizzes. Experience corner - everyday something new to show that museums are not only about watching. Exhibition corner presents some latest info about participating museums. And a museum goods shop, where you can purchase some pretty stuff from museums.
Working hours:17th December (Saturday) 13:00〜18:00
18th December (Sunday)10:00〜16:00
Place: Sendai Mediatheque, 1st floor, Open square.
Entrance fee: free.
In Sendai City Museum of History and Folklore, an exhibition on life in Sendai in the old times and now (仙台・昔と今の暮らし) is on. We don’t usually think about how our life is different from the one led by our grandparents and great grandparents. We have electricity, hot water, Internet and many more things that were unimaginable some 100 years ago. And why go so far? 50 years ago life was in so many ways different from ours! To get to know the past of Sendai and to understand our own lives better, why not visit this new exhibition?

Exhibition is on: 2016.11.19 (Saturday) ~2017.4.16 (Sunday)
Closed: Every Monday (In case if Monday is a holiday, the following Tuesday), National Holidays, the forth Thursday of every month, and from 12.28 to 1.04.
Place: Sendai City Museum of History and Folklore
Entrance Fee: 240 yen (High school students - 180 yen, Elementary school children and junior high school children - 120 yen)
And the last exhibition I would like to present today is “Blue trains that were running through Tohoku and Hokkaido” (東北・北海道を走ったブルートレイン). Since 1964 until 2016, express sleeping cars were available in Tohoku and Hokkaido. They were called “The blue trains” or “Moving hotels”. The times have changed and this year the last Blue train, Cassiopeia, stopped its’ services. The present exhibition in Tohoku Fukushi University Railway Museum & Learning Center is a memorial to these trains, so beloved in times past.

The exhibition is on: 2016.12.06 (Tuesday) ~ 2017.3.04 (Saturday)
Place: Tohoku Fukushi University Railway Museum & Learning Center, exhibition room.
Working hours: 10:00-16:00
Closed: Every Sunday and Monday, National Holidays, 2016.12.23-2017.01.06, 2016.01.14
Entrance Fee: Free